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Location: Escondido, California, United States

-married -have 2 puppies (Oni and Raven) -25 yrs old -full-time student, full-time banker, full-time mommy

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mommy Freakout #1

This morning I woke up and noticed that Mina had a rash all over her face and neck. Of course I freaked out! It seems that I ate something yesterday that she's having an allergic reaction to. If you didn't guess already, yes, I am breastfeeding. I had fish tacos from Rubio's that I haven't had since I was pregnant. My poor baby. She's covered in little bumps all the way down to her tummy. And on top of that it itches. She keeps rubbing her eyes. She was up almost all night screaming because of the rash. She has a dr's appointment tomorrow morning. Hopefully, they can give her something to get rid of it. I've definitely been on edge all day because I'm worried about her. Something happened at work that sent me over the edge today. It was minor, especially to everyone else, but it was enough for me to flip out. We have a tracking sheet in our back room with our names next to our progress. Well, I got off the phone with the nurse and was about to walk out front when I noticed that my name was wiped off. I know who it was even though that SOMEONE still hasn't admitted to it. I know it was her because we can't stand eachother and I know she assumed that I wiped off her name first. What, are we in fucking elementary school? As I recall I'm turning 25 next month and I have other, bigger fucking issues to deal with. And to set the record straight: I DID NOT WIPE HER NAME OFF OF THE BOARD (fucking immature little bitch). I'm sorry but I'm just not in the mood for the bullshit. Ok so the moral of the story is: I won't be eating at Rubio's for a while and don't mess with me when I'm worried about my baby!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take it you didn't get the nearer-to-home job, then? Keep trying! You shouldn't have to put up with aggravation from bitches like that when you're trying to do your job plus be a good mommy >>:-(

And you are doing a brilliant job by breastfeeding Mina even though you had to go back to work so soon! :-D Little problems like the rash do happen from time to time when something gets through the milk to the baby, but it's still the best thing in the world you could be doing for her! Congratulations! :-D

3:46 AM  
Blogger Brooke said...

You do realize I was referring to the co-worker and NOT YOUR DAUGHTER don't you??? Eek! ;)

2:44 PM  

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